Now there are numerous Hotels all over the world.So hotel management study is very popular and professional study not only in Nepal,all over the world.Hotel management is very commercial field in Nepal since Nepal is a tourism country and many tourists come to visit here and to provide accommodation to them,we need more hotels.Since there are more hotels, they need more manpower to fulfill the services. Hotel Management education provides information about the operation of the entire departments of the hotel.By this knowledge a man can be able for the entire operation of the hotel and he can manage the manpower required in his hotel in a successful manner and the revenue earned is higher. Not only this, an educated personnel from hotel management background can provide more standard and good services to the guests.Nepal still needs the skilled and educated manpower to run hotel industry since most of the hotels do not have the skilled and educated manpower.
Our country has great caliber from growth and development in tourism sector.The growth of hotel management is linked closely to this sector and the manpower requirement for hotels is on rise.Star hotels requires especialized trained staff for various departments like f&b service, production, housekeeping, front office and other service sections.These jobs has become increasingly challenging and sophisticated in recent times.The employment opportunity in hotels varies within the industry. By 2001 is predicted to match the extention of room space,likely to be almost an addition 124000 rooms.Each room in 5 star hotels needs 3 persons and job with direct responsibilities while many more persons indirectly assists the core rooms.
By this, we can find out that how demanding the hospitality sector is.If we perform our job sincerely,there is a good oppurnity in career in hospitality.