Early travelers were either warriors or traders or people in search of knowledge or religious point of view.There were no hotels at that time.warriors and conquerors pitched their tents for accommodation while traders and others placed a high value of hospitality and sometimes traded their merchandise for lodging.
Inn keeping can be said the first commercial enterprise and Hospitality is one of the first service where money was exchanged.In the Biblical times,inns used to offer only a cot or a benc

King James version of Bible mentioned that the Bethleham innkeeper turned Mary and Joseph away because that place was unsuitable to a woman about to give birth to a child.At that time, probably for several centuries men and women shared their same room along with their horses and livestocks.
Till the industrial revolution of 1700s,no significance improvement was ma
de in the inns and travens and there were not very suitable for aristocrates. To accomodate wealthy travellers,luxurious structure were constructed with private rooms, individual sanitation and comforts of a European castle. These elegent new features adopted the french word 'Hotel'. Their rates were beyond the reach of the ordinary person.

Throughout the 1800s, American innkeepers improved their service and continued to build larger and more amply equipped properties and most of these properties were located near sea port towns. Slowly this process increased leading to the development of comfortable and sanitary lodging within the reach of an ordinary person.

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